#1. I won't leave the house with the dryer running, the dishwasher going or even a fan on. A neighbor's house burned down after she left the clothes dryer on a years ago. Luckily she and her family were gone but not so lucky were the pets.
#2 My personal finance books have to balance. No penny off stuff for me. I have actually found mistakes from the bank, like numbers transposed or wrong dates for deposits. Once I even found the same debit twice on two different days and another time a credit of the same amount twice. I balance my receipts and all bookkeeping the minute I get it.
#3 As anal as I am about receipts and checkbooks as noted above, my desk is a total mess. I have all sorts of sticky notes, and bits of newspapers stuck on the monitor, the side of the computer case and in the drawers of a make shift desk in the kitchen. I just found a coupon that expired two months ago stuck under the keyboard. I try but somehow a clean desk makes me nervous and unproductive.
#4 The older I get the less I watch TV as I get antsy watching it and end up screaming at the commercials unless I find a way to distract myself while they are on. I rarely watch commercial TV and come February will probably watch the one show I like (Brothers and Sisters) over the Internet. If football never showed up on any channel I would be happy but sofa slug finds a way to watch 7 or more games on Saturday alone, so by not buying one of those digital boxes, I can guarantee at least a couple of games don't get into my space.
#5 I don't borrow books from the library. If I choose to read a book, I buy it but always at least 40% off. The local book outlet closed a few years ago so I have become more selective in my purchases. I still have enough backlogged books to read to last until I am 90 but still keep a list to watch for and always a wish list at Amazon with a price trigger. I will die with a book or magazine in my hand.
#6 The only type of video or computer games I really like are word or shape puzzle types--Tetris, Scrabble or similar that I can play against the computer or solo. I don't really like timed ones as I muse over my words and sometimes walk away and come back. I guess I get distracted or try to do too many things at once. I have some crosswords I have been working on for days that I have saved to complete. The puzzles with puns drive me bonkers.
#7 I have SAD. Seasonal Affect Disorder. I need sun. The syndrome hit early this year as it came at a time with some other dishevels in my life. Instead of baking all night to crawl out of the rut, I have been snuggling with a sick kitty. With hubby retired (part of the above dishevel) I no longer cook until 4AM like I used to and send the goodies into work with him. I need to find another quiet distraction for my insomniac AMs. I tried my other hobby rubber stamping but apparently that was too noisy for slug boy. Inking the edges of card stock woke him up. (eyes roll here)
So if you got this far and want to participate, feel free to. Make sure you post below that you did, so I can come visit. I am hoping to add some of the soup and stew recipes I have created over the summer with photos-I need to edit a few photos as I must omit some of the resulting items on a plate or tray--or cover it somehow. I now always make sure I take photos of individual productions instead of finished presentations. Then I don't have to worry about the recipe Nazi.
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